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Cottage Garden

Nostalgic for trellis blooms, stone borders, and arched gateways… The Cottage Garden is a farm favorite with its sweeping foliage of grace and charm.


Wild At Heart

Spread wildflower and happiness with these untamed blooms.


Flower Farmers

Derek & Brook Hoffbauer
Wedding Manager

Join the DFF’s green goodness vibe!

    From our Blog

    A perfect blend of creativity, energy, communication, happiness and love. Let us arrange a smile for you.

    “Gardening adds years to your life and life to your years.”


    “Life begins the day you start a garden.”

    Chinese Proverb

    “The garden is a love song, a duet between a human being and mother nature.”

    Jeff Cox

    “A flower blossoms for its own joy.”

    Oscar Wilde

    “A flower does not think of competing with the flower next to it. It just blooms.”

    Zen Shin

    “To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow.”

    Audrey Hepburn